
Sometimes I think the “good” ones get a bad rap for those who make wrong decisions.  The others aren’t “bad”, they make poor decisions.  I’ve heard people say, ” Well, the good kid in the family went to college, while the bad one went to drugs.”

I’ve had quite a few of my former students ask if I’m okay this morning.  They care and they are some of those that have been labeled “bad”.  They care about who cares about them and some or most of them have no one at home to care about them.  I’ve always been drawn to the kids that are considered the unlovable ones.

These kids come to school after being up all night listening to parents fight or maybe party.  They got up 2 hours early to get little brothers and sisters ready.  They have one meal a day and it’s lunch at school.  We expect them to have supplies for school and they don’t have electricity at home.  I did a homebound assignment once where they had no heat.  We sat with coats and gloves on working on math.  Neither of us cared anything about math right then.

Some of these will drop out, some get their GED, and some will persevere and graduate.

Pray for the teenagers that are the “bad” ones.  They need prayers the most.  These are the ones Jesus would sit with and talk to.

❤ y’all.

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