No one understands 

I try sharing things on FB hoping to educate people on addiction and mental illness. It just doesn’t seem to be helping anyone. 

I posted the video of the men running for mayor of various cities in our county. Their answers concerning addiction shocked, saddened, and infuriated me. 

Many believe that they can’t be held responsible for their words when they are obviously uneducated on the subject. I’m sorry, but that’s a copout. Our county has the highest overdose are in the state. They should take it upon themselves to educate and fins out more about such an important issue. Government isn’t just about out roads, taxes, and parks. 

One went as far as to say it’s all on the parents. I felt taken aback to the shame about bound guilt of having an addicted daughter. How dare he even infer such a thing? It’s like a punch in the gut and slap to the face of parents everywhere struggling with trying to help, but not enable their addicted children. 

I was hoping to let others know how still uneducated and bias the public is on this subject. It went unnoticed. 

What can anyone do when no listens or cares or without the backing of others?

❤ y’all 


It’s been a while….

I feel like I’ve somehow lost my voice.  Not that I don’t have lots of things to write about and more things still going round and round in my head.

I keep telling myself how much better I felt when I was writing my emotions down on this blog, but just like with exercise; you need to get back in the routine and starting is the hardest part.

I am still attending my celebrate recovery meetings on Friday nights, but no longer do my step study.  I stopped and felt I needed to focus more on my grief than the step process right then.

I continue to go to therapy, but can make it longer betweens visits.  I am trying to rely more on my own coping skills vs. needing to vent or cry or talk to someone else about things every week.

I have begun going to a grief support group once a week, and I have made wonderful friends that understand.  An outgrowth of going to that meeting has led me to being included in a newly formed group to help addicts and their families.  A grass roots, down in the trenches group made to be with families and their loved ones through the whole journey.

I’m busy with the girls activities: soccer, dance, t-ball, school programs, etc…

Still trying my hand at on-line dating although this has really gone by the way-side.  I honestly don’t know if there is a man on Earth that can handle my kids and me and what we are going through.  Guys my age want to be spontaneous and go out or travel at a moment’s notice.  That will never be my life.

I am still obsessed with the book and movie, “The Shack”.  I have watched it online and it will be officially released May 30 on DVD.  I have bought other books written by the author and also a study guide book to go along with the story.  My favorite is the daily reflections book that has a quote and explanation from the book/movie for every day of the year.

Hope to get back to posting often.  I’ve missed y’all.
