The year

20046363_10212839302404930_6975913862859050101_nA year has now come and gone since my first baby girl went to Heaven.  How do I feel?  Hurt, angry, sad…all of the same emotions I felt from the beginning.  Grief isn’t in some linear pattern, but a roller coaster of up and down days.  You can measure if you are doing better by how many more up days there are in between down days.

Grief is described as waves in the ocean, roller coaster rides, or even aftershocks after a huge earthquake.

I spent the day with friends and family.  Only about an hour alone at the cemetery.  I know most people that know me think this was the best plan, because I scare them when I spend too much time alone.

Now, I understand why other grieving mothers have told me the second year is the worst.  You’ve survived all the firsts.  Now what? It’s like there’s nothing left to do, but be alone in our grief.

I haven’t entered her room or watched home movies.  Two things I desperately want to do, but can’t seem to get there.  I’d love to just curl up in her bed with her blanket she carried everywhere with her (I put a piece of it in her hand).  I want to lie in her bed and smell her blanket and cry and scream.  But, I don’t.  I want to see and hear her from when she was a baby.  Her laugh and beautiful smile.  All of the Christmas’ and birthdays captured in color.

Tomorrow will be the anniversary of the visitation.  The last day I had her truly to myself while hugging her and doing her hair, make-up, and nails.  She would be so proud, because she laughed when I promised to do it.  I was brave.

One year.

❤ y’all



It’s brought up up recently if I’m truly ready to give or share my testimony. My relationship with Jesus, my life’s events, and how I got to the place I am today. 

There’s a lot to try and sum up in just 20 to 30 minutes. My testimony is really mine and Dallas’s story. I wouldn’t be where I am today had it not been for my beautiful baby girl. 

Typical childhood for the 70’s, typical high school days in the 80’s, a failed 2x marriage with 2 children, a 10 year relationship and short lived marriage with 1 child, and then it really began to fall apart. 

That’s about all I can get through this afternoon as once again my heart has been broken. Broken because I need to feel loved so badly, I let the emotions get way too involved. I feel strongly about them, but I’m just a fun time.